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ROSPOC 0.90en

ROSPOC is intended as a help for memorizing Russian words. ROSPOC comes
with a few pre-entered lists but the idea is that you should create your own lists.
ROSPOC can then help you to train those words. This might be especially useful
before an upcoming test or examination.

The main benefit with ROSPOC is the automatic switching between Latin
and Cyrillic alphabeths.

Cyrillic keyboard layout

Layout of the Cyrillic and Latin keys in ROSPOC.

Limitations and warnings:

As the version number (0.90) indicates, Rospoc is a Beta version. Hopefully good enough to be useful though.

The pre-entered lists contain some errors. Finding and correcting them is left as an excercise to the user. I.e. obviously I don't know enough Russian to detect the
errors that are most likely to have slipped in ;-)

ROSPOC is intended for the English-style keyboard-setting. Some other european
keyboards place the y & z differently. Live with it or change to English ;-)

ROSPOC doesn't behave like standard windows programs. E.g. it's not possible
to select or cut-and-paste the Cyrillic words. The listboxes are different too.

ROSPOC only supports lower-case Cyrillic letters. Trying other key-combinations
is likely to give some poker-style symbols, intended as jonax style fun.

ROSPOC has no spell-check, be careful when creating your lists.

The lists are stored in the files -ROBU.dat, ROLX.dat and RONX.dat.
If they become lost or corrupted ROSPOC will not function properly.

Maximum storage capacity:

98 lists
98 pair of words/expressions per list
25 + 25 characters per wordpair

Good luck with your language studies!

To the download page (freeware version)